Technology Blogs
- 512 Pixels
- Alex Kirk: Personal blog of Alex Kirk with a strong focus on WordPress technology
- Alex Standiford: My personal blog where I talk about technology, entrepreneurship, and WordPress.
- All Things Tech: AllThingsTech does product reviews and various other posts geared specifically towards tech products.
- App Addict: A new Mac or iOS app reviewed every single day, rain or shine
- Apple Annieās Weblog
- Bacardi55's Web Cave
- Ben Myers: Articles generally focused on making web accessibility approachable.
- Beyond Search: Critical commentary about online services
- Birchtree: Regular posts about top tech events with a bit of personal interest in the mix.
- Blogging Intensifies: Technology, Music, Life.
- Chilli: Just a space for me to jot some random thoughts down.
- Chris Burnell: A place for me to think, write, and share my passion for front end development and the web.
- Clever Laziness: Rambling about automation, web development, data hoarding, and interesting stuff I find online.
- Cory Dransfeldt
- Courtney Robertson: WordPress & Developer Relations
- Curtis McHale
- Dan Ritz: Thoughts on working as a designer, researcher, and manager.
- Derek Kedziora: "Iām a fan of building personal websites and the small-scale internet."
- life, tech, small/indie web blog, with an education-oriented slant.
- Hiro Report: Five cool apps, pieces of gear, and/or culture every week
- Ian Betteridge
- Jamesā Coffee Blog
- Jeff Triplett
- Juha-Matti Santala: I write about technology, community building and life.
- Just Text: No images, just accessible writing.
- Hidde's blog: Posts about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility and browsers from the perspective of a curious front-end developer.
- Hillel Wayne: This blog is a mix of deep dives into formal methods and programming topics.
- ldstephens tech notes: Tech blog primarily about Apple.
- Leon Mika
- localghost
- marco's Āµ.blog: Mainly weekly notes that revolve around technology and software, mostly related to Apple; sometimes other thoughts too.
- Martin Rue: It's my personal site where I share my writing, projects and other things.
- Maurice Renck: A half-personal blog about the IndieWeb
- maybecoding: Software dev blog and occasional life updates from a Brit living in China.
- MereCivilian: Blogging about technology and documenting the journey of this merecivilianās life
- MyGeekDaddy
- Obsidian Articles: Obsidian templates, HowTos, Reference material, Tips, Tricks, Plugin Information
- Open Notes: An open notebook on the web to try out tech and writing ideas.
- Paolo Melchiorre: Articles about Python, Django, PostgreSQL, GIS, GeoDjango, Map, Open Source, Free Software, Community.
- Robb Knight
- Robin's Blog: Robin writes about topics include geospatial data, Python, book reviews and (occasionally) disability.
- Seer of Souls: Cliff's personal site for product reviews, random musings and other cool things
- Steve's stuff: My projects and the weird stuff I do.
- TAGN: Online Video Games and Technology
- TechLifeWeb
- The Internet Review
- The Lost Outpost: Andy Piper's personal and technology blog
- The Robservatory
- Teotime Pacreau: Web dev and product owning
- Timing Blog
- Tom's Homepage: A personal website, journal and playground. Everything, and nothing.
- A blog about the Linux terminal.
- Unfiltered by MereCivilian
- vladcampos